
How To Tell If Chainsaw Is Dull

Chainsaws are best used with precipitous chains because information technology helps to maximize their cut performance. It's disquisitional to know whether a chainsaw concatenation is ho-hum or precipitous, equally this guarantees you take the right apparatuses for cut.

Information technology too ensures that your chainsaw is operating properly since information technology volition gradually lose its sharpness over time.  Additionally, this makes cut easier and as well limits kickbacks which are the principal source of injury during cut.

Here are a few signs on how to tell if a chainsaw chain is abrupt.

is your chainsaw chain sharp
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3 Signs Your Chainsaw Chain Is Sharp

1. Thick Sawdust Production

The sawdust created from cutting logs, woods, or tree will indicate whether a chainsaw is sharp or non.

When vertically cutting wood, the chainsaw should produce thick sawdust that looks like coarse strands. A slow chain creates fine sawdust, less thick than that created from a sharp cutting concatenation.

When the sawdust has a finer texture and smoothen, then it means the chain is worn-out and tedious.

2. Positioning and Cutting Is Easy

If you use a sharp concatenation, the chainsaw volition remain stable without it veering or shaking left or correct when cutting an object.

Then again, information technology's much harder to position and cutting through in a worn-out, tedious saw concatenation. Information technology won't be easy to cut through the object and you'll discover that it will get stuck while the engine is still running.

This is one of the simpler ways to differentiate a sharp concatenation and a dull one.

three. Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Smoothness

When using the chainsaw, there shouldn't be any kind of pressure awarding or intense strength while using it.

When you need to employ pressure or force, this means that the sharpness of the concatenation of the chainsaw has been exhausted and worn out then it should exist sharpened. Therefore, it makes information technology more difficult to cut and the cutting apparatus will have more harm.

On the other hand, a sharp chain will require very lilliputian pressure level and is like shooting fish in a barrel to cut and glide through the forest. In this state of affairs, one tin tell if a cutting chainsaw concatenation is sharp or not.

How to Maintain Your Chainsaw

There are a few things you lot need to keep in mind to prolong your chainsaw's life and to keep it to work in a perfect or ideal condition for several years.

Aside from following the instructions for maintenance suggested by the manufacturer, there are other basic maintenance and care tips you tin concur on to.

Later Each Apply, Make clean The Debris and Dirt Off the Chain

Step 1: Remove the clutch cover of the chainsaw and make clean the concatenation with a petty chip of wood or metal. Eliminate any clay or droppings inside the track.

Footstep 3: Remove and make clean out the cooling fans and air intake that will be found in a cylinder cover.  Make clean out the air filter and wipe out any dirt that'due south stuck in betwixt the spaces.

Stride 5: Ensure aught is keeping air from getting into the motor by checking the flywheel fins.

Store the Chainsaw Indoors

The chainsaw should exist stored inside. A garage, befouled, or shed would be fine. Avoid placing your equipment outside where it'southward broad open up to the outside climate

Put Your Chainsaw in a Scabbard

Before putting it away, ane should put the chainsaw in a scabbard on meridian of the chain and bar. This forestalls bumps, dings, and grit. Information technology additionally shields you from unintentional cuts.

Chain Oil and Bar

Checking the oil level should exist done ideally every time it has been used. In one case you've cleaned out the debris and assembled everything dorsum, the chain and chainsaw bar should be oiled.

The greatest way to do this is by putting concatenation oil into the greased tank, and later, run the engine of the chainsaw for a couple of seconds.

Most chainsaws are fabricated with a congenital-in mechanism that allows the lubricant to draw in equally the chain spins.

When to Consider Replacing Your Chainsaw Concatenation

When time goes past, the chain will lose its sharpness, which can be hazardous to the user and will make the work harder.

Below are the key indications that the chain is too dull to fifty-fifty consider working effectively with.

  1. Rusty chain. It's non preferable to apply a rusted chain. This amercement the teeth and blades of the chainsaw and will subtract the amount of efficiency while using information technology.
  2. When the cutting apparatus begins to fume regardless of being well greased. If this happens, and then the engine is most likely worn-out.
  3. When the concatenation gets dented, chipped, or cleaved. If the chain of the chainsaw hits soil, ice, or rocks multiple times, then information technology's probably time to change and replace your chainsaw chain. This is the number one reason why the chainsaw gets damaged. Additionally, if the highest points of the teeth of the chain are missing, then it's as well a sign that the chain needs to exist replaced.
  4. When you experience difficulty in cutting precise cuts. You lot'll know this when you're trying to cut the position you want, then information technology starts to clatter and rattle.
  5. When you reach the "safety lines". Most chainsaw models accept small lines to indicate the maximum amount of metal that is allowed to be removed, it'southward known every bit the "safety lines". Once y'all have reached that line, it'due south not rubber to sharpen and use your chain over again.

If the chain passes those lines, at that place'due south a risk of the chain breaking into separate pieces or even the chain flying off while using. Information technology's extremely dangerous, so the best thing to do is to supplant the chains once the safety lines accept been reached.


The life expectancy of a chainsaw relies upon its maintenance, and not by pre-found expiration date or timeline.

This volition depend on how frequently yous employ your cutting equipment, information technology means it could last for a few years, as long as you are taking great intendance of your chainsaw. I do suggest that yous e'er use a decent precipitous chainsaw chain as information technology lessens the odds of harm or injury to your cutting appliance.


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