
How Many Rentals Do I Need To Retire

Many investors ask the question of how many properties they will need to retire on. The short answer is that in that location is no magic formula—everyone'south retirement goals are different, not all investment properties perform similarly, and predicting the future is impossible.

Nevertheless, with careful analysis, you may be able to develop a program for building a rental holding portfolio that volition help supplement—or perchance even replace—your income during retirement.

In this article, we'll explicate how to build a retirement portfolio of rental properties, and explain how someone might calculate the number of rental backdrop they need to generate retirement income.

Key takeaways

  • Owning rental backdrop in retirement can generate greenbacks flow needed to pay for living expenses.
  • Cash-on-greenbacks return is a key metric used to summate how many rental properties are needed for retirement.
  • Investors use the rental holding retirement formula to calculate how many homes are needed to retire.
  • The number of homes needed for retirement varies based on lifestyle and other sources of income in retirement.

computer with for rent sign

Why people use rental property to generate retirement income

There are numerous ways that people could retire, such as investing in "growth" stocks, relying on a pension or retirement savings plan, depending on Social Security, or living frugally and saving as much money equally possible. Or, a combination of all of the above.

So why is it that people apply rental belongings to retire?

The answer is that unlike the traditional means to retire, real estate investments provide several unique benefits to help people to retire on real estate:

Cash flow

One of the main reasons people use rental property to retire is for the cash flow or greenbacks-on-cash return. Greenbacks-on-cash return representss the pre-tax cash income earned on the cash invested in a belongings. It is calculated using the following formula:

  • Cash-on-Cash Render = Annual Pre-Tax Cash Menstruum / Full Cash Invested

If an investor paid $95,000 for a rental property and earned an annual pre-revenue enhancement cash menstruation of $v,500 per year, the cash-on-greenbacks render would be 5.8%:

  • $5,500 pre-tax cash catamenia / $95,000 full greenbacks invested = 0.058 or 5.8%

The tenant pays the hire, the investor pays for operating expenses and repairs, and keeps the remaining greenbacks flow or cash-on-cash return as turn a profit.

There may be times when greenbacks flow may be lower than expected, or even negative, such as when the owner has to make unexpected repairs or takes longer than planned to detect a qualified tenant. To budget for times when greenbacks flow is low, investors set up a reserve business relationship to pay the mortgage and operating expenses until greenbacks flow returns to normal.


Home prices in the U.Southward. historically take increased over time. Equally the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reports, the median sales price of houses sold for the United States have more than doubled since Q1 2000.

Of form, nothing goes up in a straight line, and real manor is no exception. For example, during the recession of 2007 – 2009 abode prices dropped by nearly 25% and millions of people lost their homes due to foreclosure.

That'southward why many existent estate investors buy-and-concur rental property for retirement over the long term, through all phases of the normal real estate cycle.


Investing in real estate allows people to control 100% of a rental property by using a minor down payment and leverage.

As a rule of thumb, about real estate investors employ a conservative down payment of 25% to finance a rental holding.

For example, if a unmarried-family rental dwelling house in Birmingham, Alabama costs $95,000, an investor receives all of the rental income, cash flow from the holding, along with any increase in equity all for a down payment of only $23,750.

Tax benefits

One of the biggest tax benefits of owning rental property is the depreciation expense that the IRS allows investors to take to reduce taxable internet income. Depreciation in real manor lets investors pay fewer taxes. The extra income saved from paying less taxation contributes to the amount of retirement savings.

To illustrate, assume the rental home in Birmingham generates a total cyberspace greenbacks flow of $v,500 per year when the dwelling is owned gratuitous and articulate.

Depreciation is calculated on the cost basis of the home minus the value of the country over a period of 27.5 years. Then, if the lot is worth $x,000 the annual depreciation expense would be $iii,091:

  • $95,000 dwelling value - $10,000 lot value = $85,000 cost basis
  • $85,000 cost ground / 27.5 years = $3,091 annual depreciation expense

Instead of paying taxation on $5,500 each year, the investor would be taxed on $2,409, which is the taxable income remaining afterward the depreciation expense has been claimed.

How many rental properties do y'all demand to generate your target income in retirement?

Now that we know why people utilize rental property to retire, let'southward take a look at how many rental properties someone might need in retirement. We can back into the answer to this question by asking how much money someone needs to support themselves in retirement, then use a little bit of reverse engineering.

Rental property retirement formula

Many people utilise a retirement figurer to approximate how much coin they need when investing in traditional avails similar stocks and bonds. Fortunately, the formula for rental property retirement is pretty straightforward:

  • I = Thousand ten C

Where I is the income needed in retirement to pay for living expenses, M is the coin invested in rental property, and C is the cash-on-cash render the rental belongings generates.

Number of rentals needed for retirement

Calculating the number of rental properties to retire does get a little scrap tricky. That's because the amount of coin needed to pay for retirement expenses varies from i person to the adjacent based on their retirement lifestyle. For example, one retiree may be happy staying at home and playing golf a few days a calendar week, while some other may want to travel half-dozen months out of the year.

With that in mind, let's look at some examples of how to summate the number of rental properties needed to retire using the rental property retirement formula of I = M 10 C.

As long as we know two of the iii variables in the formula - I = income in retirement, M = money invested in rental property, C = cash-on-cash return - we can solve for the third.

Target retirement income: $lx,000 per year from seven homes

To begin, permit'due south presume that a retiree would similar to have a gross income of $60,000 per year from a rental property retirement portfolio. If the average cash-on-cash return is 6%, an investor would need $1 million invested in existent estate:

  • I = M x C
  • G = I / C
  • $60,000 Income / 6% Cash-on-cash render = $i,000,000 Money invested in rental holding

The number of rental properties needed to retire based on this example depends on the boilerplate property price and cash-on-cash return generated.

If the average cost of each rental dwelling is $140,000 and the boilerplate cash-on-greenbacks return is half dozen%, an investor would need nearly seven rental homes to generate retirement income of $sixty,000.

Target retirement income: $48,000 per year from 5 homes

However, if the investor were able to retire on $iv,000 per month and generate an average 7% cash-on-cash render from a rental property retirement portfolio, the coin needed to invest in rental property would exist $685,714:

  • $48,000 Income / 7% Greenbacks-on-cash render = $685,714 Money invested in rental holding

In this case, an investor would need about five rental homes to retire, assuming an average abode price of $140,000 and an average cash-on-cash return of 6%.

Other uses for the rental property retirement formula

The rental property retirement formula tin too be used to decide the cash-on-cash return required to provide a desired amount of retirement income.

For example, an investor might have $750,000 sitting in a retirement account and would similar to know the required cash-on-cash render needed to generate $48,000 in pre-tax retirement income. By rearranging the rental property retirement formula, the investor learns that the cash-on-cash return needed is 6.four%:

  • I = 1000 x C
  • C = I / M
  • $48,000 Income / $750,000 Money invested in rental property = 0.064 or 6.four% Cash-on-greenbacks return

If an investor only wanted to allocate office of the retirement savings to a rental property portfolio, say $500,000 for instance, the boilerplate greenbacks-on-cash render needed would be 9.6%:

  • $48,000 Income / $500,000 Money invested in rental belongings = 0.096 or 9.6%

person using spreadsheet

Sample rental property retirement portfolio

Here's a example of what an income and expense statement might look like for a sample rental belongings retirement portfolio with every home owned free and articulate of mortgage debt:

  • Number of rental backdrop = 7
  • Total money invested in rental properties = $840,000 or $120,000 per property
  • Total gross rental income/year = $100,800 or $14,400 per property per twelvemonth
  • Total operating expenses/year = $45,360 or 45% of gross rental income
  • Total greenbacks flow/yr = $55,440 or $vii,920 per holding per yr

Past using the rental property retirement formula, the cash-on-cash return from this sample rental property retirement portfolio is

  • Cash-on-cash return = Income / Money invested
  • $55,400 portfolio income / $840,000 money invested = 6.six% greenbacks-on-greenbacks render

Where to find rental backdrop with good returns

The key to retiring with rental holding income is to notice homes that are reasonably priced with adept cash-on-cash returns. Roofstock is used by real manor investors effectually the earth to find and purchase unmarried-family rental homes and small-scale multifamily backdrop in the U.S.

At whatever in one case there are hundreds of single-family rental homes and small multifamily buildings listed for sale, frequently already rented to a tenant. Investors can analyze homes for sale with college yield and lower list cost in some of the best existent estate markets in the country to own rental property, and complete the buying process entirely online.

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