
How To Put On Latex Clothing

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Latex is kind of a strange fabric for clothing—although it's a natural form of rubber, you lot can accidentally damage it. Fortunately, equally long as you're gentle with the items and y'all store them properly, your latex wear can last for years! Read the most mutual questions about caring for latex to acquire simple dos and don'ts.

  1. 1

    Submerge the latex in soapy h2o to remove sweat and lubricant. Fill a bowl or deep sink with warm water and add 1 squirt of liquid dish soap. Swish your hands in the water until it suds and push your latex clothes into it. Swirl the garments around until they're soaking moisture.[ane]

    • The dish soap helps remove talc, sweat, and lubricant that you might accept used to slide the latex article of clothing on.
    • Almost latex clothing manufacturers circumspection against washing latex in the washing machine, simply others say it's fine as long as yous put the inside-out latex into a laundry purse and utilize the machine's handwash setting.[ii]
  2. 2

    Rinse the latex in warm water to remove the soap. Bleed the sink or dump out your basin of soapy water and rinse it out. Then, fill up the basin or sink with fresh warm water and swish the clothes around again so the soap rinses off.[3]

    • You can rinse the clothes some other time if they yet feel slick afterwards simply 1 rinse.
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    Utilize your fingers to wipe away backlog h2o and let the dress air dry. Lift the wearing apparel out of the h2o and hold them over a sink or basin. Squeeze the latex from the acme downwardly to the bottom so almost of the water drains off. Then, lay the clothes flat on a dry towel or on a clothes drying rack.[iv]

    • If y'all use the clothes drying rack, go on in mind that the clothes will keep dripping, and then y'all may desire to set the rack on a towel.
    • Wait until the latex is completely dry before you store the clothes.
  2. 2

    Avoid drying the wearable in a dryer and don't use an iron. If you're in a hurry to dry your latex clothing, y'all might exist tempted to toss it into a dryer, simply don't! If you apply a dryer or iron, you could cook the latex so it fuses together. Yous'll also weaken the latex so it wears out faster.[5]

    • Don't send latex clothing to the dry cleaner since dry cleaning is too rough on the material.
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  1. one

    Rub silicone lube or latex smoothen across the surface to get a not bad shine. If you're using a clasp gel, squirt a coin-sized corporeality onto your fingers and rub the product into the latex. If y'all're using a spray, spritz the latex and so rub the latex until information technology'southward shiny.[viii]

    • Polish your latex clothes when yous're gear up to article of clothing them. If yous'd rather store them, keep them coated with talcum powder.
    • Don't use an oil-based lubricant to polish the silicone because it can intermission down the latex.
  2. ii

    Wipe a lint-free cloth over the latex if you want a buffed wait. If yous're not going for a super shiny look, rub a dry lint-free fabric over the polished latex to take off some of the shine. Keep rubbing in a circular motility until the latex is as matte every bit you lot similar.[9]

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  1. 1

    Hang your latex dress so they don't form creases while they're stored. Pop your dry clothing onto a wooden or plastic hanger so it hangs neatly. Then, stick the hanger with the dress in a garment handbag or large plastic bag earlier you hang it in the cupboard. Your latex won't crease or stick together if you hang information technology instead of folding information technology.[11]

    • Don't hang colorful latex next to other colorful latex on the aforementioned hanger or the colors could drain together if they're besides close.
  2. 2

    Keep the clothing away from direct sunlight and heat. Although you tin can habiliment latex apparel out on a hot, sunny 24-hour interval, you don't want to expose the latex to these conditions for a long catamenia of time. This is because the latex can fade and starting time to break downwardly. Since latex burns really easily, you should as well keep it away from open flames or fire.[12]

    • You should also keep latex clothing away from oil and grease since these can break downwardly latex.
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  • Studies suggest that talcum powder that contains asbestos tin cause cancer. More inquiry is being done to determine if asbestos-gratis talcum powder has the same risks.[13]


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