
Minecraft Factions How To Claim Enemy Land

The goals of this plugin:

  • The players should exist able to have care of anti-griefing themselves.
  • Inspire politics and intrigues on your server.
  • Guilding and squad spirit!:)

Installing on your ain server

  1. Download the latest release:
  2. Put Factions.jar in your plugins binder.
  3. Download gson.jar to your lib folder

The Chat Commands

The conversation console command is/f
This control has sub commands like this:
/f allonym,allonym,alias [parameter] *[optional parameter]
You may use whatever of the aliases. They point to the same command.

These are the commands for the normal players:

  • /f aid,h,? [page] – Display a help page
  • /f list,ls *[page] – Show a list of the factions
  • /f show,who *[faction tag] – Show detailed information on a certain faction
  • /f map *[on|off] – Bear witness an ascii-art map of the nearby territory. Per default information technology will render only when you use the control. If you specify on or off you will toggle if the map should render every in one case in a while.
  • /f power *[player name] - Show either your own ability (if no name is specified) or another player's power (if a player name is specified, and permission node factions.viewAnyPower is granted)
  • /f bring together [faction proper name] – Join a faction
  • /f get out – Go out your faction
  • /f chat,c – Switch faction only chat on and off
  • /f abode – Teleport to the faction homef
  • /f create [faction tag] – Create a new faction with you lot equally admin
  • /f desc [desc] – Alter the faction clarification
  • /f tag [faction tag] – Alter the faction tag
  • /f open,close – Switch if invitation is required to bring together
  • /f invite,inv [role player name] – Invite a player
    /f deinvite,inv [player name] – Remove a pending invitation
    If your faction is closed invitations are required to join the faction.
  • /f sethome*[faction tag] – Set the faction home (faction tag can only exist specified by those with admin bypass permission; otherwise, it'south for your own faction)
  • /f claim – Claim the land where you are standing
    /f unclaim, declaim
     – Unclaim the land where you are standing
    The area claimed is a minecraft "chunk". It is an sixteen×16 area all the fashion from bedrock to the sky. If you are claiming territory from another faction you lot must start at the border. Only faction moderators and admin can do this.
  • /f owner *[role player name] – Prepare/remove ownership of a 16×16 claimed territory. If a actor name is specified, that actor will be added or removed from the owner listing for the territory. If no histrion name is specified, it will either set buying to the player running the command (if no owners are currently ready) or completely clear ownership of the territory.
  • /f ownerlist – View a list of owners for the current area. But works inside your own faction's territory.
  • /f kicking [histrion name] – Kick a actor from the faction.
    Faction moderators can kick normal players but not eachother. The faction admin can boot moderators though.
  • /f mod [role player name] – Give or revoke moderator rights to one of the members of the faction. You must be faction admin to practice this.
  • /f admin [histrion proper name] – Hand over your admin rights to another member. Note that you are really handing information technology over. Yous will not exist admin for the faction any longer. You will exist turned into a moderator, simply the new admin could boot yous whatever time.
  • /f title [player name] *[title] – Gear up or remove a players championship. This serves special meaning. Information technology's but fun and allows you to "promote" players.
  • /f noboom – enable/disable explosions inside your faction'southward territory; only bachelor to faction admin and faction moderators for peaceful factions (explained farther down)
  • /f marry [faction proper name]
    /f neutral [faction name]
    /f enemy [faction name]

    Set which relation yous WISH to take with some other faction.
    Read more almost relations below.

And these are the commands for the server admins, most of which piece of work from the server console likewise:

  • /f disband [faction tag] – Disband a faction
  • /f safeclaim,safety *[radius] – Claim land for the safezone
  • /f autosafe *[on|off] – Automobile-claim land for the safezone
  • /f safeunclaimall,safedeclaimall – Unclaim all safezone land
  • /f warclaim, war *[radius] – Merits land for the warzone
  • /f autowar *[on|off] – Machine-claim country for the warzone
  • /f warunclaimall,wardeclaimall – Unclaim all warzone land
  • /f peaceful [faction tag] – Toggle the indicated faction's "peaceful" status
  • /f bypass – Enable admin bypass manner: build/destroy anywhere
  • /f lock *[on|off] – Lock all write stuff
  • /f saveall,save – Save factions to disk
  • /f reload *[file] – Reload all data from disk, or only data in specific files (available files: lath, conf, factions, players)
  • /f config [setting] [value] – Change any setting in conf.json straight and immediately. See the Configuration page for more info.
  • /f version – Which version of this plugin are y'all using?

Note:/f unclaim works on safe/war zones as well, for those with the appropriate permissions. For players with admin bypass mode enabled,any faction's state can also be unclaimed that way.

Relations, Territory and War

The factions on the server accept relations to each other. They can exist ally, neutral or enemy . Yous choose your wished relation to some other faction through a conversation command.

  • If both  factions wishes ally you will be allies .
  • If i  faction wishes enemy you will be enemies .

Yous can never hurt members or allies (friendly fire is e'er off).
Yous tin can non hurt neutrals in their own territory.
You tin always injure enemies and players without faction.
Impairment from enemies is reduced past a certain percentage in your ain territory.

But faction members can build and destroy in their own territory. Interaction with the following items is as well restricted by default: Wooden Door, Trapdoor, Chest, Furnace, Dispenser, and Diode. Make sure to put pressure level plates in front of doors for your guest visitors. Otherwise they tin't get through. You tin as well use this to create fellow member only areas. Equally dispensers are protected you can create traps without worrying nearly those arrows getting stolen.

Every player has "power". The power can at almost be ten and at least be -x. If you die you lot loose 2 ability. The power will be restored over time, but only while the player is online; while offline, their power will non regenerate. It takes 5 min for 1 ability to exist restored. Note that it doesn't matter at all how you lot die. You tin can be killed by an enemy or drown in sand. In either case you will loose two ability. Annotation that these values are all simply the defaults, and can exist changed as desired.

The power of a faction is the sum of all member power. Every power grants the faction right to claim one country/chunk. You can claim state from a faction if it has to low power.
For example:

A faction with two healthy players, MrApe and MrCow, had a faction named SuperAnimals. The faction SuperAnimals had twenty power. This was because the members had x ability each and 10+10 is 20. They claimed every bit much territory as they could (xx minecraft chunks that is). Then MrApe went and drowned in lava. As MrApe died he lost 2 power. After that he had only eight / 10 power and the faction SuperAnimals had 18 power as 8 + 10 = eighteen. At this time SuperAnimals had more land than they could handle (20/18). And then their enemy Bulldozer took the chance to merits some of their land. He managed to merits ii chunks at the border of their territory. And so he could not claim more than as SuperAnimals now had (18/eighteen) land.

Notation that if you merits state from another faction yous must kickoff at the border of their territory.

Rubber Zones

The server admins can create safe zones. These zones can not be claimed past other factions. PVP is turned of and monsters may not spawn or hurt players there.

War Zones

Server admins can also create state of war zones, somewhat similar to safe zones. These zones however are non safety from PVP and monsters. Further, they can exist configured to accept friendly fire enabled (PVP between allies and faction members) and can exist configured to have power loss disabled in them.

Individual Ownership of Territory

For territory that has been claimed past a faction, the faction admin (and mayhap faction moderators) can further specify buying of any claimed territory to anyone within the faction using the/f owner *[player proper name] command. This ownership will limit access to the territory to just those in the possessor list, along with the faction admin and faction moderators. In general, these endemic areas volition extend the same protections which faction territory provides against those non in the faction to also protect confronting normal members of your ain faction.
This can exist used to provide private buying of particular areas, or to provide a storage expanse for the faction admin and moderators which is condom against in-faction griefers.

Peaceful Factions

There is a special "peaceful" status which can be ready for any faction by server admins / moderators using/f peaceful [faction tag]. Members of peaceful factions cannot deal or receive PvP damage (unless in a war zone which has friendly fire enabled), cannot claim land from another faction and as well can't have their land claimed, and cannot be considered as marry or enemy of whatsoever other faction. Faction admins and moderators of peaceful factions can enable/disable all explosions inside their faction's territory at will using/f noboom. The chief purpose of this "peaceful factions" is to provide a fashion for more peaceful players who don't desire to have function in faction wars (or only want to have a break from them) to still take fun on the server. It is also meant to let groups of players to make protected buildings, monuments, g constructions, and so forth without having to worry near another faction destroying them.


Note: My server does not have the economy plug in enabled. Even so if there is a large enough demand, I may consider enabling it.

If y'all employ iConomy or EssentialsEco to provide an economy for your server, this is for you. Most Factions commands tin be ready to cost money in conf.json. For claiming state, there are some extra features. Each additional land claimed by default costs more than than the terminal, with the multiplier beingness configurable. For example, the offset claim might cost $30, the 2nd $45, the third $60, and so forth. When country is claimed from a weakened faction, there is a configurable bonus amount of money deducted from the toll of challenge the land, as an incentive; this number can be changed to a negative value to instead brand it cost more to merits such land. When land is unclaimed, a configurable percentage of the toll of claiming the land tin be refunded (defaults to lxx% of the cost). The total value of a faction'southward claimed land will exist shown in the info given past/f who [faction tag], along with the depreciated (refund) value.

Tips and Trix

  • There arecertain colors for certain relations in the conversation messages:
    Members are green, Allies are imperial, Neutrals are white and Enemies are red.
  • Writef instead of/f. You tin skip the slash when using console commands.
  • Faction admins shouldpromote trusted members in the guild to moderators. This style the lodge will accept a leader even when the admin isn't there.
  • Faction moderators tin can set a dwelling for the faction. You will spawn there on decease. Teleport there using/f home
  • When using chat commands that takes a parameterfaction proper name you tin really specify ahistrion name instead. That players faction volition and then be used.
  • When you enable admin bypass fashion using/f bypass, you will exist able to featherbed quite a lot of restrictions. Primarily, y'all volition be able to build, destroy, interact, and utilize items in any territory. You volition be able to unclaim any land, no affair which faction owns it.


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