
Why Background Checks Make You Put In Your Own Name?

Background screening involves many different sources of criminal data, each with varying levels of reliability and accuracy. At that place are local and national databases, registries, court systems, other data sources, all of which add to the complication of background screening.

Amongst your many options when building your background screening program is deciding how to arroyo the number of names and counties to include. Past searching all names and counties for candidates, you improve the accuracy and abyss of the background check—and doing and so doesn't hateful yous're asking to be subjected to unnecessary boosted fees.

In partnership with your background check provider, y'all can navigate the many options available to aid y'all run across your screening goals while also managing your upkeep for background screening.

Tips for Determining Which Names and Counties to Include in a Background Check

If every candidate used merely one version of their proper noun throughout their educational and employment history, and only ever lived in i place, at that place would exist no need to consider which names and counties to include in a background bank check. Yet, candidates tin undergo whatever number of changes during their educational and professional career.

Candidates can experience the following:

  • Name change due to spousal relationship or other reasons
  • Multiple residence addresses over time
  • Variations of a name over time (east.thou., John versus Jonathan)
  • Dropping of or adding the employ of a middle name
  • Multiple addresses at once, for example, a campus address and a permanent home address

Given the latitude of available groundwork data for each candidate, it's essential to include all names and counties in a background bank check. Though some county courts levy a pocket-sized search fee, you could terminate up paying much more past pursuing a less thorough background check.

Be sure to take into account the following considerations when deciding which combination of searches you should include in a groundwork check:

Conduct a Social Security Number (SSN) Trace to Confirm Identity

Many background information sources rely only on name information rather than a unique identifier such as social security number (SSN). Therefore, searching for background data based on just one version of a candidate's proper noun can consequence in failing to capture disquisitional details of a candidate's groundwork.

By confirming candidate identity with an SSN trace, y'all can possibly yield additional names for a candidate, such every bit aliases, maiden names, and name suffixes. Using the results from the SSN trace, your screening provider should search for all known names for a candidate. In doing so, you increase the chances of a more complete and accurate background bank check written report.

Not all background screening companies acquit a check for all names. Some rely on an employer'southward lack of familiarity with the fashion background information is recorded and made available for search, and they may cheque on only one name. Others offering value bundles and hope a lower toll, simply then conduct a background search on one proper noun only. Conducting a search in this manner non only sacrifices the quality of your results, but information technology also causes you to pay for an incomplete groundwork check. In many cases, this can exist every bit bad as non having a background check at all.

Recognize the Value of Multi-Canton Criminal Records Searches

Each county court has its own records and indexing system for managing past cases. As a upshot, you can't wait to yield all available data about a candidate's criminal history by searching merely one county court organization. A candidate may live in one county, work in another, and may also have lived in multiple counties over time. Therefore, it's essential to carry a search in all relevant counties for an individual.

Sometimes information technology tin be a gentle balancing act, considering you want to exist thorough without checking too many counties and risk having the background bank check process take besides long. Your background screening provider can assistance you determine the breadth of your county searches. Your provider can also help y'all determine where additional chore-specific risks would justify a broader canton search for some job categories.

Sympathize the Risks Associated with Searching One Name and I County

By not conducting a search on all names associated with a candidate and all counties (including counties associated with past addresses), you tin can experience the following problems:

  • Missed past candidate criminal activeness: Being unaware of past criminal acts committed past a candidate you later on hire can pose a potential risk to your workforce. Information technology can likewise put visitors, customers, and patients at chance, and effect in plush lawsuits or industry accreditation complications, for case, with the Joint Commission.
  • Obstacles in completing employment and pedagogy verifications: Non knowing a candidate's complete name history tin can result in a lack of information from educational and employer verifications, particularly if the candidate used a maiden proper name or a birth name in college or with a sometime employer.
  • Wasted fourth dimension and coin: By not searching on all names and counties, you've paid for a full background check, simply may take just obtained partial results.

How to Make Well-Informed Decisions About Your Screening Options

According to a 2020 Professional Groundwork Screening Association (PBSA) survey, 94 percent of employers use one or more types of employment background screening. However, given the many products and services available, having a deep agreement of which ones to use may non ever be apparent. As a result, it's necessary to rely on trusted partners and available resource to assist you decide what makes the about sense for your organisation.

Have the following steps to aid you make well-informed decisions about your background check program:

Work with an Experienced Groundwork Screening Provider

A background screening company's responsibilities involve more than than running background checks and providing you with the results. A great groundwork screening company offers advice and insights to help you make up one's mind which screening services can manage hiring risks most price-effectively. A committed provider volition also offering guidance in deciding which names and counties to include in your background screening programme.

Comport Regular Reviews of Your Hiring and Screening Process

New advancements in screening engineering science and screening production enhancements are happening all the time. To keep your screening program current, conduct regular reviews of your program and take advantage of opportunities to improve its efficiency and compliance. A reputable screening provider will work with you to acquit audits and provide quarterly reviews of your screening program every bit a part of your suite of services.

Determine the Search Types Applicative to Each Task Category

It'due south essential to exist thorough and include a wide range of names and counties in each background bank check, but yous can have variations from 1 job category to some other. For example, some positions may be considered higher risk and may require more counties, as well equally additional state and federal criminal record searches.

Build a Compliant and Toll-Conscious Screening Program

By working with a trusted screening partner and agreement the reasons behind including all relevant names and counties in a background check, you lot'll exist able to brand more well-informed decisions well-nigh the products and services in your screening program.

The compliance, efficiency, and cost of your groundwork screening activities need not be mutually exclusive. Your screening program tin comply with applicable legal requirements and also conform to your budget and automation needs. With the help of bachelor tools and guidance from your provider, you can arroyo criminal history searches and other aspects of background screening with greater confidence and understanding.

Criminal History Inquiry Legislation

Why Background Checks Make You Put In Your Own Name?,


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